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Mainhall overview.png Worker-hut.png Basic.png Streets.png Military.png Goods.png Culture.png AncientWonder.png Capitole Expansion.png
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At the beginning, the area where you can build your city is rather small. The City Map is an area divided into tiles, that looks like a square grid and where you can place your first buildings, in order to start your city's development. You start with 15x10 tiles (the equivalent of 3x2 Expansions).

Start City.png

But of course your goal is to expand, and your biggest challenge is to make the best of the space at your disposal. To enlarge your buildable area you will need Expansions. Each Expansion ads to your city a buildable area of 5x5 tiles.

Expansions tab.png

You have three ways of getting Expansions: you can unlock them in the Research Tree (Research Expansions), gain them by completing all encounters in a Province (Province Expansions), or buy them as Premium Expansion.

You can find your Expansion in the Buildings Menu.


Depending on the category of the Expansion, you will need different resources to get it:

  • Research Expansions - You can unlock these Expansions by researching the respective technologies in the Research Tree. For these Expansion category you will need: Coins, Supplies and Goods. Once they are unlocked, you will need Coins to place them or alternatively you can pay them with Diamonds (Premium).

  • Province Expansions - You will receive these Expansions as a reward, when you complete all encounters of a certain amount of provinces. A tooltip in the Buildings Menu, on the Province Expansion, will show you how many “Completed Provinces” you have and how many are “Required for the next expansion.” No Coins or Diamonds are needed to place Province Expansions.

  • Premium Expansions - These can only be paid with Diamonds and they are strictly limited! At beginning, you will have one available, corresponding to your Main Hall level (1) but for every Main Hall upgrade, one more expansion of this type will be available.

Research Expansions Overview

Province Expansions Overview

When you complete your first Province, you will be rewarded with 1 Expansion. However to get the next Expansion, you will need to complete 2 more Provinces. To get the third Expansion, you will need three more Provinces, which means you have completed 6 Provinces in total, at this time. For now, you will be able to get a total of 23 Province Expansions.

Province Expansions
Size Required Provinces
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
5 14
6 18
7 23
8 28
9 33
10 39
11 44
12 50
13 57
14 63
15 69
16 76
17 83
18 90
19 97
20 104
21 111
22 118
23 126

Premium Expansions Overview

For each Main Hall level, you enable 1 Premium Expansion, which can be placed paying Diamonds.

Premium Expansions
Size Cost
1 450
2 450
3 450
4 500
5 500
6 500
7 650
8 650
9 650
10 800
11 800
12 1000
13 1000
14 1000
15 1000