Prezentarea Minunilor străvechi
Elven Ancient Wonders
Mănăstirea Artelor Marțiale
Mănăstirea Artelor Marțiale a fost locul pe care, încă de la începuturi în Unur, strămoșii Elfilor l-au folosit pentru a învăța arta războiului. Așadar, atunci când o construiești, trupele vor fi binecuvântate de moștenirea și puterea spirituală a mănăstirii, ceea ce înseamna că trupele tale vor primi un bonus care le va îmbunătăți sănătatea! A fost, de asemenea, un loc unde magii au acumulat unele cunoștințe culturale, ceea ce înseamnă că vei beneficia de cultură suplimentară pentru orașul tău!
Cu fiecare modernizare, prin fuzionarea relicvelor, care conțin puterea elementară a Elvenarului, cu fundația clădirii, forța spirituală a strămoșilor devine mai mare, stimulând creșterea bonusului mănăstirii.
- Beneficii
- - Crește sănătatea trupelor tale când acestea sunt în luptă
- - Oferă cultură suplimentară orașului tău
Dacă treci cu mouse-ul peste Mănăstirea Artelor Marțiale vei putea vedea unele informații cu privire la nivelul clădirii și a bonusurilor oferite.
Martial Monastery Overview
Martial Monastery Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | ||||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |
Crystal Lighthouse
The Crystal Lighthouse could once be seen from far away at the northern shores of Unur, it was a sign of light and hope - the trust that the Elven forefathers had in mankind. Researching it and understanding its roots will allow you to bring back that gigantic source of magic!
A lot of knowledge about the Lighthouse got lost during the centuries, but with the power of nature you will be able to reconnect to your roots and upgrade it's light step by step, allowing this building to show you the wonders of working together!
- Benefits
- - Increases Neighborly Help Rewards - It will give you a certain amount of random goods when you return help to your fellows and discovered neighbors.
- - Increases the time of the polish effect on your cultural buildings.
If you hover your mouse over the Crystal Lighthouse you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as it's current bonus.
Crystal Lighthouse Overview
Crystal Lighthouse Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | ||||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |
Human Ancient Wonders
The Sanctuary was mentioned even in the oldest books as an astonishing act of architecture and magic! It is a spiritual and cultural legacy of human mankind. This heritage of the forefathers will also heavily increase the moral of your troops in battle and the more relics you fuse into it, the more you will accumulate its sacred power.
With each upgrade you will be fusing the magic of the relics and the knowledge of the past with the building's foundation revealing the Sanctuary's full power and gradness!
- Benefits
If you hover your mouse over the Sanctuary you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as it's current bonus.
Sanctuary Overview
Sanctuary Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | ||||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |
Great Bell Spire
The Spire was once created by Humans' fore-forefathers to form an alliance between the people of eastern Unur. It was both a warning and a symbol of friendship. Researching it and understanding its roots will allow you to bring back this Ancient Wonder and the meaning of working together!
A lot of knowledge about the Spire got lost during the centuries, but with the power of Elvenar and the magic of the Relics you will be able to upgrade it and again use it as a Symbol of Fellowship!
- Benefits
- - Increases Neighborly Help Rewards - It will give you a certain amount of random goods when you help back your fellows and discovered neighbors.
- - Increases the time of the polish effect on your cultural buildings.
If you hover your mouse over the Great Bell Spire you will be able to see some information on the building status, as well as it's current bonus.
Great Bell Spire Overview
Great Bell Spire Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | ||||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |