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Rase oaspete

Urmând misiunile din Elvenar și citind povestea acestuia, se înțelege că pământurile din lumea veche a Elvenarului au fost odată populate de multe rase diferite... A fost un loc al prosperității și al cunoștințelor, în care dezvoltarea a ajuns la un vârf de neimaginat! Cu toate acestea, din motive încă învăluite în mister, toate rasele, mai puțin Elfii și Oameni, au dispărut.

Mulțumită eforturilor tale, cercetărilor tehnologice și descoperirilor în domeniul magiei, orașul tău a evoluat și a prosperat, iar cetățenii tăi au devenit acum mult mai înțelepți și buni cunoscători ai magiei. Prin urmare, au descoperit o modalitate de a vizita alte dimensiuni, unde sălășluiesc sufletele raselor pierdute și au găsit o cale de a le readuce la viață.

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Știind cum să readuci la viață sufletele raselor pierdute nu este de ajuns! Trebuie să le ajuți să-și recapete puterile și să își revină complet!

Proaspăt reînviata rasă este slabă la început și va avea nevoie de ajutorul tău pentru a-și recăpăta gloria de altădată. Pentru a putea face acest lucru, vei permite rasei respective să construiască o așezare în orașul tău și, deși economia acelei așezări este strâns legată de orașul tău, aceasta va veni cu reguli suplimentare și, prin urmare, noi provocări.

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In the end it will be a clash of cultures and you will learn from each other: the reviving race will learn from you how to get back on their feet in new Elvenar, but you will also get inside knowledge of long lost technologies of the old world that will help you to improve your buildings, upgrade them even further, improve your units and so on - it is mutual growth for a brighter future for both of you!

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Once the "guest race" is strong enough to be on its own, has shared all its knowledge and has helped you to improve your own city, there is no need for their resources anymore and the settlement can be replaced with the next "Guest Race settlement".

But be at rest, they will leave their mark in your city - with new buildings, technologies and upgrades - so that you don't forget about them and you will always be remembered and proud of your accomplishments!


To be able to reach a new race you will first need to finish your own progress (the first one arrives in chapter VI). You will then need to build the gateway required for the race to come from the dimension, where their souls are roaming, into your city and connected it to your Main Hall. Finally you will need to connect their gateway to their own specific buildings using a special road. All those need to be researched in the Tech Tree.

Portal connection.jpg



Dwarves are the first race you can revive using your wisdom and gathered knowledge!

Dwarves Top.png

In the old world there was no race as diligent and nimble as the Dwarves. They were settled at the foot of the mountain Haugur and Ragnarok, their Capital, was a splendid and rich city where you could hear the clashing sound of iron hammers moulding the steel, the shattering round dance of hoes and the cracking of the surface of the earth. Nothing could compare to Dwarves in craftsmanship and glory and the Golden Halls of Haugur were envied by all!

With your help, the Dwarves are back in Elvenar to regain their culture and rebuild their former greatness!

Dwarves bring Granite and Copper as special resources, new cultural buildings so that they can feel a bit more at home - nothing like a good Tavern to do that - and will convert your Steel Manufactories into true Dwarven ones - Steel craftsmanship was their speciality after all!


With their techniques and architectural expertise they will help you to upgrade your buildings even further and some will even take less space than before! Last but not least, they will share their knowledge about fighting skills and help some of your units to become stronger and even more powerful!

Dwarven Buildings

Lista Clădirilor Gnomilor
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Portalul Gnomilor

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Calea ferată a Portalului

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Mina de Granit

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Turnătoria de Cupru