Portalul Orcilor
Lista clădirilor Orci & Goblini | |||||
Portalul Orcilor
Portalul Orcilor este clădirea care îți va permite să aduci orci și goblini înapoi din morți în Elvenar. De îndată ce ai cercetat aceasta tehnologie și ai plasat clădirea în orașul tău, vei începe să vezi aceste creaturi urâte care se plimbă prin oraș căutând ceva de distrus ...
Fiind singura modalitate de a-i aduce pe gnomi înapoi la viață și a-i păstra în orașul tău până când aceștia sunt pe deplin refăcuți, Portalul va avea nevoie de o conexiune permanentă cu Primăria ta prin străzi, la fel ca toate clădirile de până acum.. Pe de altă parte, pentru a conecta portalul la clădirile lor speciale - Fermă de ciuperci și Punct de regrupare - vei avea nevoie de o stradă specială numită Cărarea mlaștinii.
The Orcs Portal Site will act as the storage for all that Goblins produce in their Mushroom Farms, the things that Orcs bring from their activities, as well as the source for their buildings' production bonus.
As you will notice Orcs & Goblins Buildings have different purposes, resulting in different Goods! Most of them can be stored unlimitedly in the Portal, except for the Shroom of Wisdom and Loot.
Clicking on the building opens your inventory for the race's productions: it will show you the storage capacity for those two Goods, the amount you have of all the others as well as the current bonus percentage for all buildings' productions. When the storage is full for Shroom of Wisdom or Loot, it will show a red bar on the respective Good information. To enlarge its storage capacity you will need to upgrade the Portal to the next level or spend some Goods!
If you hover your mouse over the Orcs Portal Site you will be able to see a tooltip with the current storage capacity and how filled with Goods your building is.
You can only build the Orcs Portal Site after researching its technology and as long as you have the proper resources to unlock it in the Research Tree. It needs a street connection to the Main Hall, it can be sold, rebuilt and upgraded.
Hint: Even if you sell your Orcs Portal Site, you will keep the race's resources in your city! |
Upgrading the Orcs Portal Site to a new level will increase:
- The amount of Shroom of Wisdom and Loot you can store;
- The production bonus for all the Orcs & Goblins' Goods;
Orcs Portal Overview
Building Levels
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | ||
Press on each building level to see a bigger image. |