Ajutor vecini

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Ajutor vecini

A vizita pe alții

După cum ai observat, întotdeauna poți efectua o vizită fiecarui jucător pentru a obține inspirație pentru orașul tău. Cu toate acestea, nu toate orașele vor fi disponibile pentru a face comerț sau a le acorda ajutor.

Prin Cercetarea provinciilor, vecinii din interiorul distanței de cercetare devin parteneri de comerț. Acest lucru înseamnă că poți schimba mărfuri cu ei folosind Negustorul, dar el va percepe o taxă de 50% peste cantitatea solicitată, pentru cei pe care nu i-ai descoperit încă. Ca urmare, comerțul cu vecinii nedescoperiți poate fi un pic cam scump la început.

Trade fee.png

După ce ai cercetat o provincie limitrofă orașului unui vecin, lucrurile devin mai interesante. Statutul relației tale cu vecinul se va schimba în "Descoperit", ceea ce înseamnă că vei fi capabil să faci comerț cu el mai eficient. Sau cu alte cuvinte: Negustorul nu va mai percepe comision atunci când iei o ofertă de la un vecin descoperit.

Deci, continuă cercetarile și descoperă pe alții!


Al doilea beneficiul a descoperirii unui vecin este abilitatea de a oferi Ajutor intre vecini, o dată pe zi. Ajutorul între vecini iți va permite să interacționezi cu alți jucători și de a fi recompensat pentru asta. Poți dona monede la Primărie, să finisezi o Clădire culturală sau să motivezi Cabana constructorilor.

Give Neighborly Help

To give Neighborly Help to a discovered player, visit his city, select the the Neighborly Help icon on his profile and choose the building you want to help, from the ones showing the same icon.

Neighbourly help.png

By giving Neighborly Help, you will be rewarded with some Coins for your kindness. The amount of Coins depends on your Main Hall level. You can see the current amount on a Tooltip, over the "Neighborly Help" info, in the Main Hall.

Neighborly Tip.png

If your neighbor has also helped you within the last 23 hours, you will also be rewarded with Supplies. In fact, if both of you do this regularly, you will both receive additional Supplies all the time.

After helping a player, a 23 hour countdown timer will start and once the time is over, you can help him again. The timer is displayed on the World Map as well as on the Neighborly Help button tooltip of the player.

Neighborly help Counter.png

Hint:You can only help players you have already discovered on the World Map. Keep scouting Provinces in order to be able to help more players.

Supplies Reward for Helping in 23Hours
Main Hall Level Neighborly Help Reward Main Hall Level Neighborly Help Reward
Level Supplies Level Supplies
1 8 10 480
2 20 11 600
3 39 12 720
4 66 13 900
5 102 14 1.080
6 144 15 1.320
7 204 16 1.500
8 273 17 1.710
9 360

Receive Neighborly Help

When you receive Neighborly Help in your own city, you will get a notification under your portrait, to inform you which building has been helped and by whom. You will also see an icon above the buildings which received help. The effect of the help depends on the building type and the actual bonus is displayed in its tooltip.

Neighborly Help Actions.png

Neighborly Help Information

Neighborly Help Information
Building Conditions Action Effect
Main Hall Can receive help unlimited times per day. Donate The Main Hall generates Coins that can be instantly collected. The amount depends on its level.
Cultural Building Can only receive help once, every eight hours. Polish Double Cultural output for 8h.
Builders' Hut Needs to have an empty help slot to receive help (they are shown inside the building). The amount of slots depends on its level. Empty slots can receive help unlimited times per day. Motivate The next construction or upgrade you start, will use one filled slot in the builder’s hut and thus reduce the construction time by 10 %.